
Priest Of Ymir Conan Exiles

Priest Priest converted
Type Worker
Use at Altar of Ymir
Bower of Jhebbal Sag
Pit of Yog
Pleasure Place of Derketo
Sepulcher of Set
Shrine of Mitra
Increased crafting speed All tiers


  • ane Description
  • 2 True Name of thirty
  • 3 Benefits
  • iv Derketo
    • 4.1 Tiers
    • iv.2 T4 Thralls (named)
    • 4.three Gallery
  • 5 Jhebbal Sag
    • Tiers
    • v.2 T4 Thralls (named)
    • 5.three Gallery
  • 6 Mitra
    • 6.ane Tiers
    • 6.ii T4 Thralls (named)
    • 6.iii Gallery
  • 7 Set up
    • 7.i Tiers
    • 7.two T4 Thralls (named)
    • 7.3 Gallery
  • 8 Ymir
    • 8.1 Tiers
    • 8.2 T4 Thralls (named)
    • viii.3 Gallery
  • 9 Yog
    • 9.1 Tiers
    • 9.ii T4 Thralls (named)
    • ix.3 Gallery
  • 10 Zath
    • ten.1 Tiers
    • ten.two T4 Thralls (named)
    • 10.3 Gallery
  • 11 Media

Clarification [ ]

A Priest can be placed in the Thrall slot of the Icon t1 altar of ymir.png Altar of Ymir, Icon altar jhebbal sag tier1.png Bower of Jhebbal Sag, Icon zath altar T1.png Nest of Zath, Icon t1 alter of yog.png Pit of Yog, Icon Altar durketo tier1.png Pleasure Place of Derketo, Icon t1 alter of set.png Sepulcher of Set and Icon t1 altar of mitra.png Shrine of Mitra or any of the higher tier versions of those vi buildings.
Tier 3 Archpriests are destroyed upon Avatar summoning. They have fix spawn points and can be blocked.

True Proper noun of xxx [ ]

Avatar warning.jpg

  • Note that crafting an avatar from whatsoever of the Altars will destroy the Altar and all of its contents, including the Priest. Any Manifestation of Zeals remaining will be in a loot pocketbook but cannot exist picked upward.
  • The same is not true for the Shield.

Benefits [ ]

  • In that location are at present iii types of Priest with different bonuses:
Shield and Weapon Benefits (updated 06/04/2022)
Bonus for weapons and shields T1 T2 T3 T4 (Named)
IconPriestConfessor.png Confessor
T4 (Named)
IconPriestSeneschal.png Seneschal
T4 (Named)
IconPriestGuardian.png Guardian
Damage bonus +2.4% iv% +22.5% +half-dozen.7% +half-dozen.vii%
Relative armor penetration bonus +ane% 4.5% 11% 0% +xi% +11%
Durability bonus +3% 5.8% 8.7% +xxx.v% +22.ii% +34.5%
Weight decrease -4% -eight% -12.6% -12.6% -ane% * -ane% *
Armor Benefits (updated 06/04/2022)
Bonus for Armor T1 T2 T3 T4 (Named)
IconPriestConfessor.png Confessor
T4 (Named)
IconPriestSeneschal.png Seneschal
T4 (Named)
IconPriestGuardian.png Guardian
Armor Bonus 0% * 0% * 0% * 0% * 0% * 0% *
Immovability bonus +iii% v.8% 8.7% +30.5% +22.ii% +34.v%
Weight decrease -4% -8% -12.six% -12.6% -1% * -1% *

* This data seems to suggest at that place are several bugs embedded in how the Priest Thralls collaborate with Shrines and Altars: there is no armor bonus despite the fact that there is an entire specialization built around increased armor (Seneschal). The values for T4 Seneschal and Guardian Weight decrease are also bugged.

Derketo [ ]

  • The only Derketo priests tin can spawn at i of the three bonfires east and west of where Yakira, Priestess of Derketo is in the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts.

Tiers [ ]

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)
Proper noun

Panel ID

Faction Race Specialization Religion Locations
Arrot the Clear-sighted
Lemurians Stygian Seneschal Derketo Purge Blazon: A gang of degenerate Lemurians
Purge Type: Dagon Slave-takers
Purge Type: A band of Lemurian Scouts
Begra the Blessed
Exiles Cimmerian Confessor Derketo Purge Type: A band of drastic exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Derketo's Chosen
Lemurians Multiple - See page notes Varies Derketo
Derketo's Chosen (Purge)
[[]] Multiple - See page notes Varies Derketo
Diviner Enea
Lemurians Zamorian Confessor Derketo Purge Type: A gang of degenerate Lemurians
Purge Type: Dagon Slave-takers
Purge Type: A ring of Lemurian Scouts
Espel the Glorious
Lemurians Stygian Guardian Derketo
Haur the Devoted
Lemurians Darfari Confessor Derketo
High Priestess Ch'et
Black Manus Darfari Seneschal Derketo
Loftier Priestess Mai
Black Hand Darfari Confessor Derketo
High Priestess Shira
Black Manus Darfari Guardian Derketo
Jaden Rousch the Epiphaneous
Lemurians Zingaran Guardian Derketo
Ketmet the Whisperer
Lemurians Stygian Confessor Derketo
Menhas, Walker of the Path
Lemurians Kushite Seneschal Derketo
Seer Pilir
Votaries of Skelos Stygian Guardian Derketo Purge Type: A conduce of Votaries of Skelos
Seer Sso
Votaries of Skelos Kushite Seneschal Derketo Purge Type: A cabal of Votaries of Skelos
Shala the Lust-slaker
Exiles Stygian Confessor Derketo Purge Type: A band of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Stathem the Embalmer
Votaries of Skelos Stygian Seneschal Derketo Flotsam
Sanctuary of the Serpent
New Luxur

Gallery [ ]

Jhebbal Sag [ ]

  • The but location for Jhebbal Sag priests can be institute at The Den (TeleportPlayer -93726 29318 9303).

Tiers [ ]

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)

Console ID

Faction Race Specialization Religion Locations
Akon the Bloodletter
Darfari Cannibals Darfari Guardian Jhebbal Sag Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals (Ostriches)
Purge Type: Disciples of Jhebbal Sag
Chosen of Jhebbal-Sag
[[]] Darfari Varies Jhebbal Sag
Chosen of Jhebbal-Sag (Purge)
[[]] Darfari Varies Jhebbal Sag The Purge
Koros the Feral
Dogs of the Desert Stygian Guardian Jhebbal Sag
Lapu the Caller
Darfari Cannibals Darfari Seneschal Jhebbal Sag Purge Type: A cackle of Hyenas
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals (Ostriches)
Purge Type: Disciples of Jhebbal Sag
Parin of the Blood Moon
Dogs of the Desert Zamorian Seneschal Jhebbal Sag
Parin of the Blood-Moon
Dogs of the Desert Zamorian Seneschal Jhebbal Sag
Una the Venerated
Darfari Cannibals Darfari Confessor Jhebbal Sag

Gallery [ ]

Mitra [ ]

  • Mitra priests tin be found at Muriela's Promise, Mitra's Serenity, The Blackness Galleon, and Sinner's Refuge.

Tiers [ ]

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)

Console ID

Faction Race Specialization Religion Locations
Ansgar the Faithful
Dogs of the Desert Nordheimer Seneschal Mitra
Barram the True-blue
Exiles Zamorian Confessor Mitra Purge Type: A ring of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Edric the Holy
Black Hand Shemite Guardian Mitra Purge Type: A gang of roaming bandits
Purge Blazon: A crew of Black Hand Pirates
Egil of the True Organized religion
Black Hand Shemite Seneschal Mitra Purge Type: A gang of roaming bandits
Purge Type: A crew of Black Hand Pirates
Ivasel the Sacred
Blackness Hand Stygian Confessor Mitra Purge Blazon: A crew of Blackness Hand Pirates (Swamp)
Purge Blazon: Razor Gords Kitchen Staff
Lethdol Twox, Speaker of Asura
Exiles [[]] Confessor Mitra See page
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Mene Faithbringer
Exiles Nordheimer Guardian Mitra Purge Type: A band of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Mikri - Cleric of the Fourth Level
Black Hand Stygian Seneschal Mitra Purge Blazon: A crew of Black Hand Pirates (Swamp)
Purge Type: Razor Gords Kitchen Staff
Mitra's Chosen
Votaries of Skelos Hyborian Seneschal Mitra The Purge
Thiera the Faithful
Dogs of the Desert Zamorian Seneschal Mitra
Vattende, Confessor of Asura
Exiles Nordheimer Guardian Mitra See page
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra

Gallery [ ]

Set [ ]

Primary article: Fix

  • Gear up priests can be found at Sepermeru, Urban center of the Relic Hunters and The Blackness Galleon.

Tiers [ ]

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)

Console ID

Faction Race Specialization Religion Locations
Adris of the Truthful Religion
Relic Hunters Stygian Seneschal Set
Amn'Ut The Blest
Relic Hunters Zingaran Guardian Ready
Chosen of Prepare
[[]] Stygian Varies Set
Elles the Medium
Votaries of Skelos Kushite Guardian Set Purge Blazon: A cabal of Votaries of Skelos
Enaro of the Slithering Doom
Black Manus Shemite Seneschal Set The Purge
Guzala the Worshipful
Relic Hunters Stygian Guardian Set
Hoshun the Fang
Relic Hunters Zingaran Seneschal Set
Mulai the Secretkeeper
Blackness Hand Stygian Confessor Prepare Purge Type: A coiffure of Black Hand Pirates (Swamp)
Purge Type: Razor Gords Kitchen Staff
Nasa the Unholy
Black Hand Zamorian Guardian Set Purge Type: A coiffure of Blackness Manus Pirates (Swamp)
Purge Type: Razor Gords Kitchen Staff
Onun of the Scales
Exiles Stygian Seneschal Set Purge Type: A band of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Patep the Soothsayer
Relic Hunters Zingaran Confessor Set Purge Blazon: Relic Hunter scouts
Purge Blazon: A raid of Relic Hunters
Setankmek the Encarmine
Exiles Stygian Confessor Set
Strab the Herald
Blackness Hand Nordheimer Confessor Gear up Purge Type: A gang of roaming bandits
Purge Type: A crew of Blackness Hand Pirates
Thaumaturge Ptah-Mun
Relic Hunters Stygian Guardian Set Purge Type: Relic Hunter scouts
Purge Type: A raid of Relic Hunters
Viis of the Divine Scales
Votaries of Skelos Zingaran Seneschal Set Purge Type: A cabal of Votaries of Skelos
Volmaris the Righteous
Exiles Darfari Confessor Set up Purge Type: A band of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Zoara the Savior
Relic Hunters Stygian Confessor Ready

Gallery [ ]

Ymir [ ]

Main commodity: Ymir

  • Ymir priests can exist found at New Asagarth and The Wardtowers.

Tiers [ ]

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)

Console ID

Faction Race Specialization Faith Locations
Abama the Frostbitten
Exiles Zamorian Seneschal Ymir Purge Type: A band of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Anastera The Seeress
Heirs of the North Nordheimer Seneschal Ymir New Asagarth
Augurer Dewain
Forgotten Tribe Cimmerian Confessor Ymir Purge Type: The Forgotten Clan
Purge Blazon: A clan of Cimmerian creature-tamers
Boreanaz the Shrouded
Votaries of Skelos Hyborian Seneschal Ymir
Dewain the Accursed
Accursed Cimmerian Confessor Ymir Purge Type: A clan of Cimmerian beast-tamers
Drem the Occultist
Forgotten Tribe Cimmerian Guardian Ymir Purge Type: A clan of Cimmerian animate being-tamers
Purge Type: The Forgotten Clan
Gronn, Ymir's Chosen
Votaries of Skelos Nordheimer Confessor Ymir The Purge
Hrogert of the Frozen Due north
Heirs of the North Nordheimer Seneschal Ymir Purge Type: A group of Vanir hunters
Purge Type: An outcast Vanir chieftain
Purge Type: A clan of nordheimers
Purge Type: An army of nordheimers
Purge Blazon: A pack of wolves
Lot Frostspeaker
Heirs of the Due north Nordheimer Guardian Ymir Purge Blazon: An outcast Vanir chieftain
Purge Type: A group of Vanir hunters
Purge Blazon: A clan of nordheimers
Purge Type: An army of nordheimers
Purge Type: A pack of wolves
Sikuh the Chosen
Exiles Darfari Seneschal Ymir Purge Type: A ring of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra

Gallery [ ]

Yog [ ]

Principal commodity: Yog

  • Yog priests can exist constitute at The Summoning Place, The Cursed Style, Gallaman's Overlook, and The Dryfalls. Yog Archpriests accept a very depression chance of spawning at The Black Galleon and a slightly higher chance at The Summoning Place.

Tiers [ ]

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)

Panel ID

Faction Race Specialization Religion Locations
D'aar the Touched
Darfari Cannibals Darfari Seneschal Yog Purge Type: A chortle of Hyenas
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals (Ostriches)
Gezhe the Blasphemer
Exiles Darfari Confessor Yog Purge Blazon: A band of drastic exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
Isthis the Witch
Votaries of Skelos Stygian Guardian Yog Purge Blazon: A cabal of Votaries of Skelos
Kursk the Flesheater
Exiles Darfari Confessor Yog
Redil Middle-render
Exiles Nordheimer Seneschal Yog Purge Blazon: A band of desperate exiles
Purge Type: Zealots of Mitra
S'ton the Shaman
Votaries of Skelos Kushite Guardian Yog Purge Type: A cabal of Votaries of Skelos
Sensha God-touched
Darfari Cannibals Darfari Confessor Yog Purge Blazon: A horde of darfari cannibals
Purge Type: A horde of darfari cannibals (Ostriches)
Yog's Called
Darfari Cannibals Darfari Varies Yog

Gallery [ ]

Zath [ ]

Chief commodity: Zath

  • Zath priests tin can exist institute at Sinner's Refuge and Mitra's Quiet in the Exiled Lands.

Tiers [ ]

  • Dancer of Zath
  • Priest of Zath
  • Apostle of Zath - Can arts and crafts 32px True Proper noun of Zath and perform the Ritual: Zath'due south Protection.

T4 Thralls (named) [ ]

Icon thrall priest converted.png
T4 and T4 (Purge)

Console ID

Faction Race Specialization Religion Locations
Gretchen the Weaver
Exiles [[]] Seneschal Zath
Lar the Loadbearer
Exiles [[]] Confessor Zath
Nydal the Spinner
Exiles Nordheimer Guardian Zath Mitra's Tranquillity
Sinner'due south Refuge
Rian the Poisonous
Exiles Nordheimer Guardian Zath
Serka of the Silk
Exiles [[]] Confessor Zath Mitra's Serenity
Sinner's Refuge

Gallery [ ]

Media [ ]

Priest Of Ymir Conan Exiles,


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